Towards a better understanding of Tetrapyrgos (Basidiomycota, Agaricales): new species, type studies, and phylogenetic inferences
Splanchnonema-like species in Pleosporales: introducing Pseudosplanchnonema gen. nov. in Massarinaceae
A new species of Varronia (Cordiaceae) and a checklist of Boraginales for the State of Sergipe, Brazil
Seed morphology of Boschniakia sensu lato (Orobanchaceae) and its taxonomical implications
Notes on Carex (Cyperaceae) from China (III): the description of four new species
Coreopsis bakeri (Asteraceae; Coreopsideae), a new species from Florida, USA
Hyophila flavolimbata, a new species of Pottiaceae from northwestern Yunnan, China
New Laboulbeniales parasitic on weevils from the Amazon rainforest
Taxonomic notes on Phaeoceros himalayensis, with lectotypification of Anthoceros himalayensis
Neotypification of Delphinium dasycaulon (Ranunculaceae)