Drimia edwardsii (Asparagaceae, Scilloideae), a new urgineoid species from the Mkhomazi River Valley of eastern South Africa
Two new species of Pseudotrimezia (Iridaceae) endemic to Diamantina Plateau, Minas Gerais, Brazil
New species of the genus Encyonema (Cymbellales, Bacillariophyta) from the Descoberto River Basin, Central-western Brazil
Amberboa maroofii (Asteraceae, Cardueae–Centaureinae), a new species from Kurdistan, Iran
Validation of Plagiochila fracta nomen nudum (Jungermanniopsida). East African bryophytes XXXI.
Oreocharis tsaii, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China
Dimeria raviana (Poaceae: Panicoideae), a new species from Southern Western Ghats, India