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Published Articles

Luzula effusa var. chinensis (Juncaceae): the first record for the wood-rush genus in Vietnam

Bruce Austin Ford , Anh Tai Vu , Kim Thanh Nguyen , Julian Richard Starr
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Almeda, F. & Martins, A.B. (2015) Pterolepis haplostemona (Melastomataceae): a new serpentine endemic from Goiás, Brazil. Phytotaxa 201 (3): 233–238.

Frank Almeda , ANGELA B. MARTINS
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Open Access

Taxonomic notes on Encephalartos ferox (Cycadales: Zamiaceae), with the description of a new subspecies from Mozambique

Philip Rousseau , Pieter Johannes Vorster , Abilio Afonso , Abraham Erasmus Van Wyk
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Open Access

Lathyrus ibicuiensis (Fabaceae, Faboideae), a new species endemic to Southern Brazil

Maria de Lourdes Abruzzi Aragão de Oliveira , SILVIA T.S. MIOTTO , JOÃO R.V. IGANCI
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Notes on Campylocentrum (Vandeae; Epidendroideae; Orchidaceae): Re-establishment of two South American species

Edlley M. Pessoa , Marccus Alves
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Syzygium snowianum (Myrtaceae) a new canopy species from the Southern Escarpment of Papua New Guinea

Wayne N Takeuchi
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A new species of Catasetum (Cymbidieae, Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae) from the Southern region of the Brazilian Amazon

Adarilda Petini Benelli , Célia Regina Araújo Soares-Lopes
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Open Access

Eliokarmos craibii (Asparagaceae, Scilloideae), a new species from Pella se Berge, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Mario Martínez-Azorín , Manuel B. Crespo , Michael Pinter , Wolfgang Wetschnig
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Taxonomic revision of the genus Pseudocodon (Campanulaceae) based on character analysis and molecular phylogeny

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Three New Species of Tursiocola (Bacillariophyta) from the Skin of the West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus)

Thomas Anthony Frankovich , Michael J. Sullivan , Nicole Stacy
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Open Access