Seven new species of Trichostema (Lamiaceae: Ajugoideae) from the North American Coastal Plain biodiversity hotspot
A new species of Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) from northeastern Anatolia, Turkey
A new species of Geranium L. (Geraniaceae) from Kashmir Himalaya, India
Triplosphaeria guizhouensis sp. nov. (Tetraplosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales), a novel taxon from freshwater habitat in Guizhou Province, China
A new species of Parablechnum (Blechnaceae) with prostrate leaves
A new and possibly carnivorous species of Crepidorhopalon (Linderniaceae) from Mozambique
Metapetrocosmea alba (Gesneriaceae), a new species from central Vietnam