Devonian smooth-walled tasmanids and new insights of life-cycle descriptions through fluorescence microscopy
Thalictrum cuonaense (Ranunculaceae) is merged with the Himalayan T. reniforme, with notes on its morphologically similar species
A New Species of Lactarius subg. Lactarius (Russulaceae) from Baiyun Mountain, China
Pleroma joelsilvae (Melastomataceae): a new and endemic species from Paraná, Brazil
Valve Ultrastructure and Description of a new Luticola D.G.Mann (Bacillariophyceae) species from Colorado, USA
Synotis nyalamensis (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a new species from southern Xizang (Tibet), China
Nepenthes candalaga (Nepenthaceae), a new species from eastern Mindanao, Philippines
Lectotypification of Chloris bournei (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) and its distribution in India
Lectotypification of Mentha gattefossei Maire, a plant endemic to Morocco