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Published Articles

Two new species of Navicula (Bacillariophyta, Naviculales) from the Cascade Mountains of the American Northwest

Loren Bahls , Marina Potapova
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The rediscovery of Stachys virgata (Lamiaceae), a rare endemic of Peloponnisos, Greece: taxonomy, distribution, karyology and conservation

Theophanis Constantinidis , Eleftherios Kalpoutzakis , Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis
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Taxonomy and chorology of Corbichonia (Lophiocarpaceae s.l.) with further description of a new species from Southern Africa

Alexander P. Sukhorukov , Maria Kushunina
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Open Access

Resolution of polyphyly in Pueraria (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae): The creation of two new genera, Haymondia and Toxicopueraria, the resurrection of Neustanthus, and a new combination in Teyleria

Ashley N. Egan , Bo Pan
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Open Access

Nerlekar, A. N. (2015) Lectotypification of Jatropha nana (Euphorbiaceae) with notes on its threats, and the status of Jatropha nana var. benghalensis. Phytotaxa 213 (2): 155–158.

Ashish N. Nerlekar
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Open Access

Tulipa jacquesii (Liliaceae), a new species from Western Kyrgyzstan

BJM zonneveld
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NOVAE GESNERIACEAE NEOTROPICARUM XIX: A third, new species of the elusive Anetanthus found in Guyana

Laurence E. Skog , John Littner Clark
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Open Access

Lectotypification of the fountain grass Cenchrus setaceus (Poaceae: Paniceae)

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A revision of Chuniophoenix (Arecaceae)

Andrew Henderson
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Open Access

Dryopteris shiakeana (Dryopteridaceae): A new fern from Danxiashan in Guangdong, China

Shang Hui , Ma Qi-Xia , Yan Yue-Hong
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