The glandulous Specklinia: morphological convergence versus phylogenetic divergence
The phylogenetic position of Coniarthonia and the transfer of Cryptothecia miniata to Myriostigma (Arthoniaceae, lichenized ascomycetes)
Polulichloris henanensis gen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel subaerial coccoid green alga
Pueraria stracheyi, a new synonym to Apios carnea (Fabaceae)
Dryopteris shiakeana (Dryopteridaceae): A new fern from Danxiashan in Guangdong, China
A revision of Chuniophoenix (Arecaceae)
Lectotypification of the fountain grass Cenchrus setaceus (Poaceae: Paniceae)
NOVAE GESNERIACEAE NEOTROPICARUM XIX: A third, new species of the elusive Anetanthus found in Guyana
Tulipa jacquesii (Liliaceae), a new species from Western Kyrgyzstan
A new species of Ephedra (Ephedraceae, Ephedrales) from India
Glabrella leiophylla (Gesneriaceae), a new combination for a former Briggsia species from Guizhou, China
Lectotypification of the name Aconitum naviculare (Ranunculaceae)
Notes on the fern flora of Fiji: Synonymization of Ctenitis minima and Dryopteris waiwaiensis with Tectaria dissecta (Tectariaceae) and Deparia boryana (Athyriaceae), respectively
Nerlekar, A. N. (2015) Lectotypification of Jatropha nana (Euphorbiaceae) with notes on its threats, and the status of Jatropha nana var. benghalensis. Phytotaxa 213 (2): 155–158.