New record of Chaptalia ignota Burkart (Asteraceae) for the Brazilian flora
Diversity, chorology and conservation of the grasses (Poaceae) in Serra do Ouro Branco, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Amoana (Orchidaceae, Laeliinae), a new genus and species from Mexico
Lindsaea linduensis (Lindsaeaceae, Polypodiales), a new fern species from Sulawesi, Indonesia
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 1. A new name for Cryptothallus hirsutus
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 2. Two new combinations in Solenostoma
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 3. Fossombronia ruminata Cargill, a new name for Fossombronia maritima G.A.M.Scott et D.C.Pike ex Cargill, nom. illeg.
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 4. Aponardia gen. et stat nov.
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 5. Validation of two Drepanolejeunea species
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 6. The correct name for Cephaloziella divaricata var. asperifolia
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 7. Transfer of Jubulopsis novae-zelandiae to Lepidolaena
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 8. New combinations and some lectotypifications in Mesoptychia
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 9. Validation of Riccia gangetica Ahmad
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 10. A new combination in Acromastigum
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 11. Microlejeunea bischlerae (B.M.Thiers) comb. nov.
Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 12. Pseudomarsupidium borneensis (Grolle) comb. nov.