Linaria semialata and L. amethystea subsp. aedoi, two new taxa of L. sect. Supinae (Plantaginaceae) from Southeastern Iberian Peninsula
Cortinarius ochrolamellatus (Agaricales, Basidiomycota): a new species in C. sect. Laeti, with comments on the origin of its European-Hyrcanian distribution
Species relationship and population structure analysis in Allochrusa (Caryophylloideae, Caryophyllaceae) using ISSR molecular markers
Second-step lectotypification of six names of Litsea (Lauraceae)
Camellia zhaiana (sect. Longipedicellata), a new species of Theaceae from Guangxi, China
Nomenclator botanicus for Appendicularia DC. (Melastomataceae, Marcetieae)
Styrax carranzae, a new name for extant Styrax lanceolatus P.W. Fritsch non Engelhardt (Styracaceae)