Chroakolemma gen. nov. (Leptolyngbyaceae, Cyanobacteria) from soil biocrusts in the semi-desert Central Region of Mexico
Two new species of Amanita (Amanitaceae) from North-western Himalaya, India
Desmonostoc danxiaense sp. nov. (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) from Danxia mountain in China based on polyphasic approach
Reestablishment of Cabomba schwartzii (Cabombaceae), an aquatic plant species endemic to the Brazilian Amazon
Arnica angustifolia (Asteraceae, Madieae), a new generic record for China
Pseudarthria panii (Fabaceae: Desmodieae), a new species from Asia, 120 years after its first collection
A new and unusual endemic species from the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico: Antiphytum geoffreyi (Boraginaceae, Echiochiloideae)
Onosma zagrica (Boraginaceae), a new species from Iran
Passiflora intricata, an apetalous new species from the Dominican Republic in Supersection Auriculatae (Passifloraceae)
Primula luteoflora (Primulaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China