Ingoldian fungi of Brazil: some new records and a review including a checklist and a key
First report of Pterygellus from Rajmahal hills of Jharkhand (India) and its relation to Craterellus (Hydnaceae, Cantharellales)
Typification of names in the genus Bouchea (Duranteae, Verbenaceae)
The identity of Lecanorchis flavicans and L. flavicans var. acutiloba (Vanilleae, Vanilloideae, Orchidaceae)
A new species and a new combination of Rhodophana (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from Africa
A new species of Paris sect. Axiparis (Melanthiaceae) from Yunnan, China
New combinations in Agave (Asparagaceae): A. amica, A. nanchititlensis, and A. quilae