Gadoria (Antirrhineae, Plantaginaceae): A new genus, endemic from Sierra de Gádor, Almería, Spain
Updates on the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in Santa Catarina, Brazil
Validating the systematic placement of Eriosynaphe in the genus Ferula (Apiaceae: Scandiceae: Ferulinae) linked with the description of Ferula mikraskythiana sp. nov. from Romania
Tuber sinoniveum, a new white Chinese truffle species from Yunnan, China
Linaria becerrae (Plantaginaceae), a new endemic species from the southern Spain, and remarks on what Linaria salzmannii is and is not
Impatiens galactica (Balsaminaceae), a new spurless species of section Trimorphopetalum from Madagascar
A new species of Aframomum (Zingiberaceae) from D.R. Congo
Two new Asian species of Carex (Cyperaceae)
Entoloma chamaemori (Entolomataceae, Basidiomycota)—a new boreal species, with isolated phylogenetic position
On the identity of Clausena smyrelliana, and two new combinations in C. anisum-olens (Aurantioideae, Rutaceae)
Erratum for “Two new species of Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from Central Amazonia, Brazil”