Lectotypification of Pseudoglochidion anamalayanum Gamble and its taxonomic position under the genus Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae)
Marasmioid and gymnopoid fungi of the Republic of Korea. 8. Gymnopus section Impudicae
Neomarica castaneomaculata and N. involuta (Iridaceae): two new endemic species from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Oxalis dreyerae (Oxalidaceae), a new species from South Africa
Inocybe gregaria, a new species of the Inosperma clade from tropical India
Platanthera fujianense (Orchidaceae, Orchideae), a putatively holomycotrophic orchid from eastern China
Impatiens kanchigandhiana, a new name for Impatiens nasuta H.Perrier (Balsaminaceae)
A new species of Lessertia (Galegeae, Leguminosae) from Gauteng Province, South Africa
Phallus campanulatus Berk. (Phallaceae, Agaricomycetes), a poorly known species from South America and its synonym P. granulosodenticulatus B. Braun