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Published Articles

Taxonomic notes on the fern species group around Terpsichore lanigera (Polypodiaceae), including the descriptions of three new species and one new variety
Ana Laura Moguel Velazquez , Michael Kessler
PDF (900 KB) PDF/A (1,800 KB)
Zamia incognita (Zamiaceae): the exciting discovery of a new gymnosperm from Colombia
Anders J. Lindstroem , Alvaro Idarraga
PDF (500 KB) PDF/A (1,050 KB)
A new species of Pilea (Urticaceae) from the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica
A. K. Monro
PDF (1,350 KB) PDF/A (2,000 KB)
Open Access
A new and rare rosulate species of Viola (Violaceae) from Argentina
John Michael Watson , Ana Rosa Flores
PDF (250 KB) PDF/A (600 KB)
A new species of Pavonia (Malvaceae) from the Atlantic coastal forests of eastern Brazil
Paul A. Fryxell
PDF (250 KB) PDF/A (550 KB)
Index to new taxa and nomenclatural acts in Phytotaxa 2
Maarten J. M. Christenhusz
PDF (50 KB) PDF/A (150 KB)
Open Access
Typification of ornamental plants: Buddleja davidii (Scrophulariaceae)
Maarten J. M. Christenhusz
PDF (50 KB) PDF/A (150 KB)
Open Access
Typification of ornamental plants: Musa textilis (Musaceae)
Maarten J. M. Christenhusz
PDF (50 KB) PDF/A (150 KB)
Weeding the nettles I: Clarifying species limits in perennial, rhizomatous Urtica (Urticaceae) from southern and central Chile and Argentina
Maximilian Weigend , Federico Luebert
PDF (950 KB) PDF/A (3,050 KB)
Index to new taxa and nomenclatural acts in Phytotaxa 1
Maarten Christenhusz
PDF (50 KB) PDF/A (100 KB)
Open Access