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By Taxon

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Published Articles

A new name for the single species of Nohawilliamsia and corrections in Gomesa (Orchidaceae)
MARK W. Chase
PDF (50 KB) PDF/A (150 KB)
Three new species of scaly tree ferns (Cyathea-Cyatheaceae) from the northern Andes
MARCUS Lehnert
PDF (1,650 KB) PDF/A (3,600 KB)
Open Access
New combinations and an overview of Cyathea subg. Hymenophyllopsis (Cyatheaceae)
MAARTEN J. M. Christenhusz
PDF (350 KB) PDF/A (700 KB)
Nine new species and one new name in Maxillaria (Orchidaceae)
DAVID E. Bennett , ERIC A. Christenson
PDF (1,000 KB) PDF/A (1,000 KB)
Phylogenetic analysis of non-coding plastid DNA in the presence of short inversions
S Lehtonen , L Myllys , S Huttunen
PDF (250 KB) PDF/A (300 KB)
A new international journal for rapid publication of botanical taxonomy
M Christenhusz , M W Chase , M F Fay , T Lumbsch , A Monro , M Vorontsova , Z Q Zhang
PDF (50 KB) PDF/A (150 KB)
Open Access