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Type: Article
Published: 2014-12-12
Page range: 162–168
Abstract views: 76
PDF downloaded: 2

Two new species of Anthurium (Araceae) endemic to Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil

Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, CCBS, Av. Universitária, 2069, Cascavel, PR, C.E.P.85819-110, Brazil.
Instituto de Pesquisa do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Pacheco Leão, 915, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, C.E.P. 22460-030, Brazil.
aroids section Urospadix Atlantic Forest taxonomy southeastern Brazil


Two new species of Anthurium endemic to Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, are described. Anthurium cronembergerae and A. sakuraguianum occur in humid areas in the Atlantic Forest. Descriptions and illustrations are provided, together with commentary on geographic distribution, ecology, flowering and fruiting phenology and conservation status. Comparisons are made with other similar Brazilian species of Anthurium section Urospadix, to which the two new species are assigned.

How to Cite

Temponi, Livia Godinho, and Marcus A. Nadruz Coelho. 2014. “Two New Species of <em>Anthurium</Em> (Araceae) Endemic to Rio De Janeiro State, Brazil”. Phytotaxa 188 (3):162–168.