Augusto Ruschi Biological Reserve vascular epiphytes: a hotspot in the mountains of the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil
Two new species of Hesperis L. (Brassicaceae) from Turkey
Three interesting fungal species associated with the Asian House Gecko in Kunming, China
Erysiphe pakistanica (Erysiphaceae), a new species on Indian willows (Salix tetrasperma) from Pakistan
Bonomyces pseudoarnoldii (Biannulariaceae, Agaricales), a new species from China revealed by morphology, and multilocus phylogenetic analysis
A new section of Astragalus (Fabaceae: Galegeae) from Mexico
Some mysteries solved: new biographical information on Brotero, the first Professor of Botany in Portugal
Sphinctanthus hasslerianus and S. microphyllus (Rubiaceae): taxonomic identity, lectotypifications and conservation assessment and chorology
A new combination in Wedelia (Asteraceae-Heliantheae-Ecliptinae) from Brazil
Validation of the name Spiradiclis elliptica (Rubiaceae), a new species endemic to southwestern China
Eugenia nordestina (Myrteae, Myrtaceae), a new endemic species from the Septentrional Northeast of Brazil