Six new species of Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from Amazonian Brazil
The genus Parnassia in Vietnam, and a checklist of Vietnamese Celastraceae
Taxonomic notes on genera Bourrellyodesmus and Xanthidium (Zygnematophyceae) from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil
Astragalus nigriceps (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae): an emended description with new data on distribution and conservation status
A new species of Chamaecrista sect. Absus (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil, with Notes on Leaf Anatomy
Aloe davyana var. magdae (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), a distinctive new variety from central-northeastern South Africa
Tovomita manauara (Clusiaceae): a new species revealed by fruit morphology and leaf anatomy
A new putative natural hybrid of Cyrtopodium (Orchidaceae) from the south coast of Brazil
Effective typification of the name Linum austricum var. collinum (Linaceae), and its synonym L. immaculatae
Pinnularia hustedtii (Bacillariophyta): Notes on specimens from Wuling Mountains, China and from type material