A taxonomic revision of Rhamnus L. and Atadinus Raf. (Rhamnaceae) in Iran
Synopsis of the Brazilian genus Symphyllophyton (Gentianaceae) with four new species
Prosopanche cocuccii (Hydnoraceae): a new species from Southern Brazil
Campanula oreodoxa (Campanulaceae), a new critically endangered species from the Aladagh Mountains, NE Iran
Miconia waimiri-atroari (Miconieae, Melastomataceae): a new species from the Brazilian Amazon Forest
Taxonomic notes on Astragalus vogelii subsp. fatimensis (Galegeae, Fabaceae)
Adesmia subtropicalis (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Dalbergieae), a new endangered species from the Brazilian Pampas
Aloe uigensis (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), a new species from northwestern Angola
Lectotypification of Bulbophyllum crassipes (Orchidaceae) and notes on its taxonomy and distribution
Hurrah, I.A. & Wagh, V.V. (2021) Revisiting the taxonomy of Geranium kishtvariense (Geraniaceae) & notes on neotypification. Phytotaxa 516 (2): 169–177.