Morphological and phylogenetic insights reveal Cucurbitaria berberidicola (Cucurbitariaceae, Pleosporales) as a new species from Uzbekistan
Cortinarius pseudocisticola (Agaricales, Cortinariaceae), a new species in section Calochroi from Europe
Boeremia parva sp. nov., a novel species of the family Didymellaceae isolated from soil
Dicliptera mercedesiae, a new species of the genus Dicliptera (Acanthaceae) from Peru
Untangling the taxonomy of Phlogacanthus pulcherrimus (Acanthaceae) newly recorded from Vietnam
Henckelia inaequalifolia (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China
Pabstiella hileiaensis (Orchidaceae Pleurothallidinae), a new species from the Atlantic Rainforest in southern Bahia, Brazil
Sphaeropteris guangxiensis Y. F. Gu & Y. H. Yan (Cyatheaceae), a new species of tree fern from Southern China
Vallidation of Pleroma imperatore (Wawra) P.J.F.Guim. & Michelang. (Melastomateae: Melastomataceae)
Medinilla madagascariensis, a replacement name for Medinilla albiflora H.Perrier (Melastomataceae) and its lectotypification
A new species of Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Zamora in the Province of Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador