A new year for Phytotaxa and some changes
On African violets and Cape primroses—towards a monophyletic Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae)
Two new species in Tillandsioideae (Bromeliaceae) of Machu Picchu, Peru
The new monotypic genus Bardotia (Orobanchaceae) from Madagascar and remarks on the phylogenetic relationships of the African and Madagascan genera Parastriga, Radamaea, Rhamphicarpa and Sieversandreas
Phylogenetic relationships in Brazilian Pleurothallis sensu lato (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae): evidence from nuclear ITS rDNA sequences
Validating Clitoria annua var. sekharii (Fabaceae: Clitoriinae)
Validating Clitoria annua var. sekharii (Fabaceae: Clitoriinae) ERRATUM