Promoting the study of plant taxonomy: a new species of Anthurium (Araceae) named by students from the University of Panama
Xylobolus austrosinensis sp. nov. (Stereaceae, Russulales) and notes on the genus
Camellia ngheanensis (Sect. Chrysantha: Theaceae), a new species from Central Vietnam
A new species of Philodendron (Araceae) from an enclave of Atlantic rainforest in Minas Gerais State, Brazil
Quararibea bragae (Malvaceae; Malvoideae): a new species with multiple domatia from Brazil
Mammillaria breviplumosa (Cactaceae, Cacteae), a new species from Mexico
Saussurea yilingii (Asteraceae, Cardueae), a new species from Sichuan, China
Neotypification of Opuntia pilifera (Cactaceae; Opuntioideae)
Andinella, a new name for Andina hom. illeg. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) non Andinia (Luer) Luer (Orchidaceae)
Nomenclatural notes in Polanisia (Cleomaceae)
Pham, V.T., Trinh, N.B., Phan, K.L. & Lin, C.W. (2019) Two new species, Begonia dinhdui and B. bacmeensis (Begoniaceae), from Vietnam. Phytotaxa 427 (1): 22–30