A new species of Diplycosia (Ericaceae) from Mount Jaya, western New Guinea
New cyanobacterium Nodosilinea svalbardensis sp. nov. (Prochlorotrichaceae, Synechococcales) isolated from alluvium in Mimer river valley of the Svalbard archipelago
Urocystis piptatheri sp. nov. (Urocystaceae), a new species of smut fungus on Piptatherum laterale (Poaceae) from Pakistan
Thalictrum punduanum var. hirtellum (Ranunculaceae), another new synonym of T. neurocarpum
A new stenoendemic species of Blephilia (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae; Menthinae) from the Interior Low Plateau of Tennessee
Leucoagaricus callainitinctus—a new species of Leucoagaricus section Piloselli (Agaricaceae) from tropical India
Eugenia sphaerocarpa (Myrtaceae), a new species from Western Ghats of Kerala, India
Berchemia sessiliflora (Rhamnaceae) is Bridelia tomentosa (Phyllanthaceae)