Molecular and morphological evidence for a new species in the genus Sirodotia (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from the State of Assam, India
Sellaphora mayrii (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom from the Argentinean Patagonia
Two species of nivicolous myxomycetes that formed fruiting bodies during three spring seasons in the lowlands of the Eastern Ukraine
NOVELTIES IN BRAZILIAN BEGONIACEAE II: a new species from Minas Gerais
Typification of the name Eranthis sibirica (Ranunculaceae)
Aspidistra jiangjinensis (Asparagaceae), a new species from Chongqing, China
Typification of the names Michelia cathcartii and Magnolia gustavii (Magnoliaceae)
Four new combinations in Isotrema (Aristolochiaceae)