Morpho-anatomy of the cypselae of native species of Mutisieae (Asteraceae) from Mexico
Taxonomic delimitation of endemic Ficus amplocarpa and Ficus dalhousiae Complexes (Moraceae) by DNA barcoding
Two penzigioid Xylaria species described from China based on morphological and molecular characters
The fern genus Oreogrammitis (Grammitidoideae: Polypodiaceae) re-defined
Gastrodia gunatillekeorum (Gastrodieae, Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae), a new species from a lowland rainforest of Sri Lanka
A new Stephanospora (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
Platanthera jiuwanshanensis (Orchidaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
A new species of understory palm of the genus Chamaedorea (Arecaceae: Arecoideae) from Costa Rica
Bulbophyllum trongsaense (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Dendrobieae), a new species from Bhutan
A new name for Emilia flaccida C.Jeffrey (Asteraceae)
Hieracium richianum (Asteraceae), a new species of H. sect. Alpina from the Eastern Carpathians in Romania