Molecular and morphological evidence for a new species of Siphocranion (Lamiaceae) from the Sino-Vietnamese border
Cunninghamella binariae, Mucor ardhlaengiktus, Mucor gigasporus and Umbelopsis changbaiensis, newly recorded species from amphibian feces and soil in Korea
Notes on the genus Silene (Caryophyllaceae, Sileneae) in Iran
Cymbella hechiensis sp. nov., a new cymbelloid diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) from the upper tributary of Liujiang River, Guangxi Province, China
Begonia itaipeensis (Begoniaceae), a new species endemic to Atlantic Coastal Forest in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Trace fossils mistaken as plants: the nomenclatural status of Tetraphyllum (Gesneriaceae)