Seed morphology in the genus Fritillaria (Liliaceae) from Greece and its taxonomic significance
A new species of Telosma (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Thailand
Taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of Thyrostroma ephedricola sp. nov. (Dothidotthiaceae) and proposal for Thyrostroma jaczewskii comb. nov.
Nabalus muliensis (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), a new species from China
A new species of Bunium (Apiaceae: Apioideae) from Central Anatolia in Turkey: Bunium sivasicum
Can morphology and chromosome number contribute to species delimitation? A case in the Hibiscus trionum complex (Tribe Hibisceae, Malvaceae)
Scoparia pentapetala (Plantaginaceae), a new species from the grassland ecosystems of Río de La Plata
Lactarius brunneocinnamomeus, a new species of Lactarius subgenus Russularia from West Bengal, India