An inventory of the names of vascular plants endemic to C Mediterranean and described from Tunisia
Fungi from the “Lost World”: Novel Asterinaceae from the Ricardo Franco Hills (Brazil), with a worldwide key to Lembosia species on Melastomataceae
Description of a novel coccoid cyanobacterial genus and species Sinocapsa zengkensis gen. nov. sp. nov. (Sinocapsaceae, incertae sedis), with taxonomic notes on genera in Chroococcidiopsidales
Morphological and molecular evidence of Turkish Minuartiella species (Caryophyllaceae), with a desciption of a new species and a proposal for a new combination
An update on the distribution and morphology of Ixora amplexifolia (Ixoroideae, Rubiaceae) in Papua New Guinea
Micarea fennica, a new lignicolous lichen species from Finland