Molecular taxonomy reveals the sexual morph of Nodulosphaeria digitalis in Phaeosphaeriaceae from Campanula trachelium in Italy
Rubus huagaoxiensis and R. lingtianus (Rosaceae), two new species from Sichuan, China
Hygrocybe pseudoacutoconica (Hygrocybeae, Hygrocyboideae, Hygrophoraceae), a new species from a South China Sea island
Allium yamadagensis (Amaryllidaceae) a new species from Turkey
Correct type designation of the Linnaean name Satureja graeca, basionym of Micromeria graeca (Lamiaceae)
A new species and new synonym in Rubus subgenus Cylactis (Rosaceae)
Rohdea henryi, the replacement name for R. chinensis, and a new combination for its variety (Asparagaceae)