Forest flora of Badami Hills of Bagalkot district, Karnataka, India
Neopestalotiopsis alpapicalis sp. nov. a new endophyte from tropical mangrove trees in Krabi Province (Thailand)
Description of a new marine planktonic cyanobacterial species Synechococcus moorigangaii (Order Chroococcales) from Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem
Lactarius guangdongensis sp. nov. (Russulaceae, Russulales), a species of Lactarius sect. Deliciosi growing with a vulnerable five-needle pine, Pinus kwangtungensis
Oreocharis panzhouensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from karst regions in Guizhou, China
Lectotypification and correct name for Neoscirpus dioicus (Cyperaceae)
Jasminanthes laotica (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), the first new species of Jasminanthes described from Laos