Disentangling the diversity and taxonomy of Hymenophyllaceae (Hymenophyllales, Polypodiidae) in the Mascarene archipelago, with ecological implications
Monochaetia sinensis sp. nov. from Yunnan Province in China
Three new caespitose species of Senecio (Senecioneae, Compositae) from Central Andes
A study of molecular sequences, sexuality, and morphological variation in Plagiomnium carolinianum, P. maximoviczii, and P. rhynchophorum (Bryophyta, Mniaceae)
Magnolia kachinensis (Magnoliaceae), a new species from northern Myanmar
Striga musselmanii (Orobanchaceae): A new species of Striga from Western Ghats, India
Eremocaulon triramis (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae: Guaduinae): a new species from the Atlantic rainforest of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Gomphonema wuyiensis sp. nov., a new freshwater species (Bacillariophyceae) from Wuyi Mountains, China
The identity of Stemodia lanceolata (Plantaginaceae) and its occurrence in Brazil
Taxonomic note of Parnassia (Celastraceae) in China: the identity of P. wightiana