Trachelomonas volzii vs T. dubia (Euglenophyceae)—one or two separate species? Study on similarities and differences of the species
Lamprospora sylvatica (Pyronemataceae), a new bryophilous ascomycete on Dicranum montanum
Epiphytic Jania in New Zealand: Jania sphaeroramosa sp. nov. (Corallinales, Rhodophyta)
Adlafia moseri and A. tjibaoui two new diatom species (Bacillariophyta) from New Caledonia with further observations on Adlafia muscora and Kobayasiella saxicola
Distimake rhynchorhiza (Dalzell) Simões & Staples (Convolvulaceae) back from the brink: synopsis and lectotypification of a little known species from the Western Ghats (India)
A new “giant” species of Maranta L. (Marantaceae) from the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil
Chimonocalamus auriculatus, one more new temperate woody bamboo species of the genus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Arundinarieae) described from Thailand
A new name in Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) for one mistakenly published as a later homonym
Curculigo janarthanamii (Hypoxidaceae), a new species from Maharashtra, India