Molecular systematics and phylogeography of the genus Echinops (Compositae, Cardueae–Echinopsinae): focus on the Iranian centre of diversification
Speciation in the genera Anthericum and Chlorophytum (Asparagaceae) in Ethiopia—a molecular phylogenetic approach
Nomenclatural notes on some autumn flowering daffodils (Narcissus, Amaryllidaceae)
Alanomyces, a new genus of Aplosporellaceae based on four loci phylogeny
Two new Allium (A. sect. Cupanioscordum, Amaryllidaceae) species from Greece
Crepidotus lutescens sp. nov. (Inocybaceae, Agaricales), an ochraceous salmon colored species from northeast of China
A new species of Epidryos (Rapateaceae) from Guyana
Cinchona anderssonii (Rubiaceae), a new overlooked species from Bolivia
A new species of Reissantia (Celastraceae) from coastal Karnataka, India
Trifolium kurdistanicum (Trifolieae, Fabaceae), a new species of Trifolium sect. Trifolium from Iran