Variability, host range, delimitation and neotypification of Amanita simulans (Amanita section Vaginatae): collections associated with Helianthemum grasslands, and epitypification of A. lividopallescens
Hydnellum dianthifolium sp. nov. (Basidiomycota, Thelephorales), a new tooth-fungus from southern Europe with notes on H. concrescens and H. scrobiculatum
Swertia subuniflora (Gentianaceae), a new species from Fujian, China
The status of Hormathophylla baetica: a new combination and lectotypification in Hormathophylla cochleata
Cerarioporia cystidiata gen. et sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and molecular phylogeny
Novelties in Brazilian Anchietea A.St.-Hil. (Violaceae): A new species from inselbergs in the Atlantic rainforest and an update on the conservation status of Anchietea ferrucciae Paula-Souza & Zmarzty
Hygrocybe umbilicata sp. nov., with first generic report for Bangladesh and its phylogenetic placement
Lectotypification of the name Lycopus coreanus (Lamiaceae)