Three novel species of Bacillariophyta (Diatoms) belonging to Aulacoseira and Lindavia from the Pliocene Hadar Formation, Afar Depression of Ethiopia
Epidendra Nova Talamancana
Taxonomic studies in the Macrolobium campestre complex (Leguminosae)
Petroplacus gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta): a new genus of diatom from Lake Baikal
Puccinia marrubii (Pucciniaceae), a new rust species on Marrubium globosum subsp. globosum from Niğde and Malatya in Turkey
Taxonomic novelties in Gomidesia clade (Myrcia s.l., Myrtaceae) from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil
Andinia wayqechensis (Orchidaceae), a new species from southern Peru