Anabaenopsis morphospecies (Cyanobacteria, Nostocales) from Los Patos shallow lake (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Humidophila komarekiana sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new limnoterrestrial diatom species from King George Island (Maritime Antarctica)
True axillary inflorescences in Rudgea (Palicoureeae, Rubiaceae), a newly reported characteristic of two new Brazilian species, R. quisquiliae and R. axilliflora
Taxonomic Notes on Microcos (Malvaceae-Grewioideae) in India
Dendrocalamus jinghongensis (Poaceae, Bambusoideae), another new woody bamboo from Yunnan, China
Durio connatus (Malvaceae), a new species from Kalimantan, Indonesia
Aponogeton kannangarae, a new species of Aponogeton (Aponogetonaceae) from Rakwana hills, Sri Lanka
A new combination in Roldana (Compositae, Senecioneae)
Lectotypification of Ischaemum molle (Andropogoneae, Poaceae)
Orchidaceae of Bahia, Brazil: notes on taxonomy and nomenclature