Two new green algae, Rhizoclonium fractum sp. nov. and R. umbraticum sp. nov., from tropical and subtropical brackish waters of Japan
The holomorph of Parasarcopodium (Stachybotryaceae), introducing P. pandanicola sp. nov. on Pandanus sp.
An addition to genus Hechtia (Hechtioideae; Bromeliaceae) from Jalisco, Mexico
Marasmius magnus (Marasmiaceae), a new species from the southern Atlantic Forest of Brazil
Beilschmiedia jacobii sp. nov. (Lauraceae), from Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve of southern Western Ghats, India
Bidoupia phongii, new orchid genus and species (Orchidaceae, Orchidoideae, Goodyerinae) from southern Vietnam
The valid publication of the names Salix wangiana and S. wangiana var. tibetica (Salicaceae)
Lectotypification of two names in the genus Rubus L. (Rosaceae)