Bolivian Mimosa (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae): three new species and a species checklist
Typification and nomenclatural notes on twenty eight names of juno irises (Iridaceae) from Central and South Asia
Sellaphora labernardierei (Sellaphoraceae, Bacillariophyta), a new epilithic species from French spring and four new combinations within the genus Sellaphora
Polystachya orophila (Orchidaceae, Polystachynae), a new species from tropical West Africa, and clarification on the nomenclature and taxonomy of P. microbambusa
Typification of Dioscorea communis and its synonym Tamus communis var. subtriloba (Dioscoreaceae)
Notes on the genus Leveillula (Erysiphaceae): a new unrecorded species and notes on Leveillula infecting Ficus, Cucurbita and Tropaeolum in Iran
A new species of Platycarpum (Rubiaceae, Henriquezieae) from Peruvian Amazon
Lindtneria asiae-orientalis sp. nov. (Stephanosporaceae, Basidiomycota) from China based on morphological and molecular characters
Cissus erecta (Vitaceae), a new non-viny herbaceous species from Mt. Popa, Myanmar