Taxonomy of the winged popcorn flower: Cryptantha pterocarya (Boraginaceae)
Helvella sublactea sp. nov. (Helvellaceae) from southwestern China
Dasylirion micropterum (Asparagaceae), a new species from Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico
Solidago ×snarskisii nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae) from Lithuania and its position in the infrageneric classification of the genus
Swartzia hilaireana (Leguminosae), an “old” new species from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Remarks and clarifications on the type material of Ximenesia encelioides (Verbesina encelioides; Asteraceae, Heliantheae), with a new lectotype designation
On the nomenclature of fossil Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae)
Recollection of former Randia species, recognition of a rheophytic species of the Philippine endemic Villaria (Octotropideae, Rubiaceae)
New combinations for nothotaxa of Populus (Salicaceae) from China