A tale of two islands: parallel evolution of dwarfism in Smilax biflora (Smilacaceae)
Rediscovery, identity and typification of Dichorisandra picta (Commelinaceae) and comments on the short-stemmed Dichorisandra species
Gyrosigma peisonis var. major var. nov., a new variety of Gyrosigma peisonis (Bacillariophyta) from Lake Qinghai, China
Phylogenetic placement of Dapisostemon gen. nov. and Streptostemon, two tropical heterocytous genera (Cyanobacteria)
Tropicoporus stratificans sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) from southern Brazil
Two new species of the Didymopanax clade of Schefflera (Araliaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon
Mormodes salazarii (Orchidaceae, Catasetinae), a new species with greenish-white flowers from Costa Rica
Two new species of Sarcoscypha (Sarcosyphaceae, Pezizales) from Taiwan
Amomum meghalayense (Zingiberaceae): a new species from northeast India
A new species of Themeda (Poaceae: Panicoideae) from the Eastern Ghats, India