The Blechnum occidentale (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida) species group in southern and southeastern Brazil
Opuntia delafuentiana (Cactaceae: Opuntioideae), a new xoconostle from central Mexico
Type-studies in American Russula subsection Decolorantes (Russulales, Basidiomycota), part II.
Two new Nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) from China, possessing a canal-raphe-conopeum system
Pseudodidymosphaeria gen. nov. in Massarinaceae
Selaginella chuweimingii (Selaginellaceae) sp. nov. from Yunnan, China
Type designation for Reseda hookeri (Resedaceae)
Three new synonyms of Solenostoma truncatum (Nees) R.M.Schust. ex Váňa et D.G. Long
A new species of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae) from Guizhou, China
Validation of the name Osbeckia tirunelvelica (Melastomataceae)