Delimitation of taxa in Amauroderma (Ganodermataceae, Polyporales) based in morphology and molecular phylogeny of Brazilian specimens
Rhopalostroma brevistipitatum sp. nov. from Thailand with an extended generic description for Rhopalostroma
Taraxacum pudicum, a new apomictic microspecies of T. section Erythrosperma (Asteraceae) from Central Europe
Impatiens tianlinensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China
Impatiens xanthinoides (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China
Impatiens matthewiana, a new scapigerous balsam from Western Ghats, India
Marasmius odoratus—a new jasmine-scented species of Marasmius section Globulares from India
A new species of the genus Alchemilla (Rosaceae) from Central Russia
Salvia hasankeyfense (Lamiaceae), a new species from Hasankeyf (Batman, South-eastern Turkey)
New combinations for the South American Cissus striata clade (Vitaceae)