A first assessment of lichenized Arthoniales in Bolivia with descriptions of two new species
Magnolia vargasiana (Magnoliaceae), a new Andean species and a key to Ecuadorian species of subsection Talauma, with notes on its pollination biology
Pedicularis wanghongiae (Orobanchaceae), a new species from Yunnan, southwestern China
Limonium korakonisicum (Plumbaginaceae), a new species from Zakynthos Island (Ionian Islands, Greece)
Zingiber hainanense (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Hainan, China
A new species of Anthurium Schott (Araceae) in a seasonal semideciduous forest in Espírito Santo State, Brazil
A new species of Ternstroemia (Pentaphylacaceae) from La Amistad Binational Park and World Heritage Property, Costa Rica and Panama
Marsdenia microcarpa, a new species of Marsdenia (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from montane Guerrero, Mexico
Verbascum misirdalianum (Scrophulariaceae), a new species from central Anatolia, Turkey
A new combination in Helosciadium (Apiaceae) for the flora of North Africa