Seven new species expand the morphological spectrum of Haslea. A comparison with Gyrosigma and Pleurosigma (Bacillariophyta)
Orobanche apuana (Orobanchaceae) a new species endemic to Italy
Ultrastructure and taxonomic position of Cymbella latestriata Pantocsek (Bacillariophyta)
Studies on Lophocoleaceae. XXIV. Chiloscyphus alpicola J.J.Engel, an interesting new liverwort species from New Zealand together with nomenclatural changes in Tetracymbaliella Grolle
Selaginella daozhenensis (Selaginellaceae), a new lycophyte from a limestone cave in northern Guizhou, China
A new species of Tovomita Aubl. (Clusiaceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Distrianthes exxonmobilensis (Loranthaceae), a new species in a formerly monotypic genus from Papua New Guinea
Gaya xiquexiquensis (Malvaceae, Malvoideae), a new species from Bahia state, Brazil
Taxonomic adjustments in Discocactus Pfeiff. (Cactaceae)
Ceratolejeunea tahitensis, a new synonym of C. cornuta (Lejeuneaceae, Marchantiophyta)