Stephanocha nom. nov., a replacement name for the illegitimate silicoflagellate genus Distephanus (Dictyochophyceae)
Lepiota elseae (Agaricales, Agaricaceae), a new species of section Lepiota from Spain
Phylogenetic relationships of Ibervillea and Tumamoca (Coniandreae, Cucurbitaceae), two genera of the dry lands of North America
Carex procumbens (Carex sect. Rhomboidales, Cyperaceae), a new species from Hainan, China
Orobanche zajaciorum (Orobanchaceae): a new species from the Caucasus
Bulbostylis albidostricta (Abildgaardieae, Cyperaceae): a new sedge species from Angola
Androsace halleri subsp. nuria Schönsw. & Schneew. (Primulaceae), a new taxon from the eastern Pyrenees (Spain, France)
Pterolepis haplostemona (Melastomataceae): a new serpentine endemic from Goiás, Brazil