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Published: 2021-12-17
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Studies on type material from Kützing’s diatom collection VI:The identity of Diatoma liber Suhr (1831)

Department of Life Sciences, the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW75BD, UK
Biddulphia Kützing Original material Johannes Nicolaus von Suhr Algae




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<p>Smith, J.E. (1813)&nbsp;<em>English botany; or, coloured figures of British plants, with their essential characters, synonyms, and places of growth. To which will be added, occasional remarks</em>... vol. XXXV [35], pls 2449–2520. Printed for the author by J. Davis, London.</p>
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How to Cite

WILLIAMS, DAVID M. 2021. “Studies on Type Material from Kützing’s Diatom Collection VI:The Identity of <em>Diatoma liber</Em> Suhr (1831)”. Phytotaxa 528 (3):215-23.