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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2020-12-15
Page range: 296–298
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New names for a few Indian flowering plants

Southern Regional Centre, Botanical Survey of India, TNAU campus, Lawley Road (P.O.), Coimbatore – 641003, Tamil Nadu, India
Flat 3, Dwaraka Kunj, Krishna Colony, Paramahamsa Nagar, Paud Road, Pune – 411 038, Maharastra, India
Eudicots Indian plants nomenclature new names


While preparing the checklist of Indian flowering plants, it was noticed that some of the plant names currently accepted are indeed later homonyms. New names are proposed here for such later homonyms. Apart, while transferring the species from Gymnema Robert Brown (1810: 461) to Marsdenia Robert Brown (1810: 460) and from Pauia Deb & Ratna Dutta (1965: 363) to Atropa Linnaeus (1753: 181), the specific epithets are pre-empted in the respective genus and hence new names are proposed here.


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Tananarive (Imprimerie G. Pitot &amp; Cie.), 24 pp.</p><p class="Reference">Deb, D.B. &amp; Dutta, R. (1965) <em>Pauia </em>Deb &amp; Dutta – a remarkable new genus and species from Tirap Frontier Division. <em>Indian Forester</em> 91 (6): 363–366.</p><p class="Reference">Forsskal, P. (1775) <em>Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica. Sive Descriptiones Plantarum, Quas per Aegyptum Inferiorem et Arabium Felicem Detexit, Illustravit Petrus Forskal.</em> Prof. Haun. Post Mortem Auctoris editit Carsten Niebuhr. Accedit Tabula Arabiae Felicis Geographico-Botanica, Hauniae, 220 pp.</p><p class="Reference">         <a href=""></a></p><p class="Reference">Forster, I.P. (1995) Circumscription of <em>Marsdenia</em> (Asclepiadaceae: Marsdenieae), with a revision of the genus in Australia and Papuasia. <em>Australian Systematic Botany</em> 8: 703–933.</p><p class="Reference">         <a href=""></a></p><p class="Reference">Hooker, J.D. 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How to Cite

KUMAR, VENKATACHALAM SAMPATH, and SARAVANAM KARTHIKEYAN. 2020. “New Names for a Few Indian Flowering Plants”. Phytotaxa 475 (4):296–298.