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Type: Article
Published: 2024-04-26
Page range: 278-285
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Two new species in Hieracium sect. Alpestria (Asteraceae) from Mt. Babia Góra, Western Carpathians, Poland

University of the National Education Commission, Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences, Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland
Eudicots apomictic plants Babia Góra massif Europe Hieracium Western Carpathians taxonomy


Two apomictic, tetraploid (x=9) species in Hieracium sect. Alpestria are described from Mt. Babia Góra, the northernmost mountain massif in the whole Carpathian chain with an alpine belt. Hieracium babiogorense combines the morphological features of H. prenanthoides and H. bifidum, and H. besseri is of presumably hybrid origin between H. prenanthoides and H. caesium Both new species are illustrated with photos of the holotypes and live plants in the type localities.


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How to Cite

SZELĄG, ZBIGNIEW. 2024. “Two New Species in <em>Hieracium </em>sect. <em>Alpestria</Em> (Asteraceae) from Mt. Babia Góra, Western Carpathians, Poland”. Phytotaxa 645 (3):278-85.