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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-05
Page range: 237-243
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Lectotypifications in Micrargeria and Striga (Orobanchaceae)

PG and Research Department of Botany; Sanatana Dharma College; Sanathanapuram P.O.; Alappuzha; Kerala-688003; India
PG and Research Department of Botany; Sanatana Dharma College; Sanathanapuram P.O.; Alappuzha; Kerala-688003; India
Eudicots Lectotype Micrargeria Nomenclature Striga Taxonomy


Here we discuss the lectotypification of two names in Micrargeria viz. M. barteri Skan and M. wightii Bentham using the specimens housed at K and two names in Striga viz. S. junodii Schinz and S. welwitschii Engler using the specimens housed at Z and BM respectively. Detailed notes are provided.



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