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Type: Article
Published: 2023-07-18
Page range: 184-190
Abstract views: 310
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A new species of Parablechnum (Blechnaceae) with prostrate leaves

Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.
fern pteridophytes taxonomy


Parablechnum prostratum, a new species with dimorphic leaves from southern Colombia, is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by featuring prostrate sterile leaves, a unique character within the genus. Morphological similarities and resemblances to other species of Parablechnum are discussed.


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How to Cite

MURILLO-A., JOSÉ, and LUZ A. TRIANA-MORENO. 2023. “A New Species of <em>Parablechnum</Em> (Blechnaceae) With Prostrate Leaves”. Phytotaxa 603 (2):184-90.